If the deal that I received is out of stock, will I get a replacement?
Our deals are available while stocks last. But don’t worry, keep a look out for more exciting deals that are coming!
Can I do the redemption at all your restaurants in Singapore?
Depending on the specific deal and item, some may be limited to availability at certain stores, Dessert Kiosks, McCafé® or while stocks last.
Can I change my deal(s) for a similar priced product?
Unfortunately, the deals are not transferrable or replaceable.
Am I able to use the deals at any time of the day?
It depends! You may notice that there are many different deals to choose from. Each deal will have their own time of day or redemption period, e.g. breakfast deals and food items can be redeemed during breakfast hours.
The page hung and couldn’t load when I tried to redeem my deal. Now, the deal is gone. What should I do?
If it is a repeatable deal, it will return the next day. If not, unfortunately it is no longer available. Fret not, do keep a look for upcoming deals! Kindly reach out to our friendly crew who will be able to assist you.
I accidentally hit the “REDEEM NOW” button and was not able to scan the QR code within the redemption countdown time. Is my deal gone?
If it is a repeatable deal, it will return the next day. If not, unfortunately it is no longer available. Fret not, do keep a look for upcoming deals! If you experience any other issues, you can always drop us a note at “Contact us”.
My deal has expired, but I still want to use it. Is that possible?
No, unfortunately you will not be able to still use the deal. But don’t worry, as an App user, there are new deals that will be made available. Check your App for the latest deals or enable the App’s notification to get alerts.
How long do I have to redeem my deal before it expires?
All deals are individually labeled with an expiry date and its terms and conditions. You can find the information in deals terms and conditions.
How do I know when a new deal is available?
We have new deals regularly! To avoid missing out on the latest deals, you can have the app’s notifications turned on, and be alerted when deals are available in your area.
Why are my deals different (as compared to someone else’s account)?
Our deals are personalised! This means that some of the deals may be exclusive just for you. The deals are non-transferable and can only be redeemed by the account that it was meant for.
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